Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Casino

admin  4/11/2022

Hey everyone, I'm back and have enjoyed my two-day break. Sorry, but I needed it. Okay, tonight I'm posting two brand new fanfics which I'm hoping you will all love. This one will feature Reid being infected with a deadly virus. Will he survive, or won't he? The other is my very shaky foray into Reid being in an abusive relationship with his boyfriend, so slash, which I usually don't do. You have try everything to know what you're good at, I say. This will get updated everyday, as usual. Okay, enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you.

Reid goes with Morgan to his 20 year high school reunion. Notes: Written as a 'prize' for devoncarrots after I promised fic for the first person to get an owl-related question answered in the CM chat with Joe Mantegna (nov 2011). Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Casino, offre d'emploi poker jeans, live casino streams, madness 100 poker.

Enjoy and please review

All mistakes are my own

Placing the book on the top shelf, Reid smiled and wiped some dust from the shelf with his hand.

'I don't know what I'd do without you, Spencer,' Mrs Linton smiled.

'I'm happy to help, Mrs Linton. Your bookstore is one of the rare few that hasn't crossed over to become a hybrid with Starbucks. I love coffee but books should be in their own home. Plus, you also let me buy new releases a bit early.'

'This bookstore is my life,' she sighed. 'Without your help on Saturdays, I don't think I'd be able to keep up. Those darn e-readers are a nightmare.'

'I like the feel of a book in my hands,' Reid sighed as he stepped down from stool. 'Same time next week.'

'As long as the BAU doesn't need you,' she said. 'I have some new releases that aren't out till Monday. Would you like to see them?'

'You already know my answer,' he chuckled gently.

'I'll make you some coffee while you look at them, my dear.'

Reid liked helping Mrs Linton when he could. She owned a lovely bookstore not far from his apartment. She always let him buy books before the official release dates on the promise he never told anyone that he had them and that he didn't spoil the books for others. He remembered her husband before he had died. Reid knew that Mrs Linton missed him dearly. He volunteered to help her when he could. When the others were busy with family or each other, he came here and helped her. Ever since Maeve, he felt more lonely as each day passed. Everyone in the team was moving on with their lives. Garcia had her boyfriend, Morgan had his girlfriend and the others had their families and friends. He knew he'd become stuck, in an ongoing cycle of losing what he loved. Working with the team and going to small gatherings kept him from losing them completely.

'See you soon, Mrs Linton,' he waved as he left with a large bag of books in his hand. He made his way back to his apartment. He was only in a shirt and vest, his sleeves rolled up. The weather was warm for this time. He loved walking home when the sun was setting. He checked his phone and realised he'd be home earlier than he thought. As he looked up, he bumped into someone. He felt small sting of his arm but put it down to the bump.

'I'm sorry,' he apologised.

'That's okay,' the man smiled. 'We all do it.'

He continued on his way home and relaxed when he went into his apartment. He put down the large collection of books and made his way over to the bookshelf. He cleaned the shelves and smiled at the new bookshelf he had assembled this morning. Soon, he'd need a bigger apartment for all his books.

It was four am when he woke up, his entire body felt hot and sweaty. He scratched his neck and let out a small cough. He continued to cough harshly and stumbled to the bathroom. He winced and shielded his eyes as the light hurt them. Looking in the mirror, he looked terrible, his eyes were bloodshot, his throat felt dry and sore and there was a rash over his neck and arms.

He doubled over and coughed again. His eyes widened when he coughed up blood on the floor. 'Oh, god,' he croaked.

He stumbled out of the bathroom and over to the phone. He dialled 911, he had never felt like this before. Something was wrong and he needed help.

Hotch opened his phone as it began to ring, he looked at the clock and wondered who was calling him at nine in the morning. 'Aaron Hotchner, speaking.'

'Mr Hotchner, my name is Dr Katrina Gilbert. I'm calling you because we've got an urgent situation on our hands. Spencer Reid has listed you as his medical contact.'

'Is he okay? Is he hurt?' Hotch asked urgently.

'He came in at four thirty this morning, coughing up blood. We did some tests and have placed him in quarantine for now. Whatever he's been infected with isn't in our known database. For safety measures, anyone who came into contact with him is also in quarantine for at least the next forty-eight hours. We found a small injection mark and suspect he's been infected intentionally. We've managed to stabilise him for now but I need you to come down here. He also told us that he was an FBI agent.'

'He is and so am I. I'll be there as soon as I can with my team. Have you notified all agencies?'

'We have,' she confirmed.

'How long will he stay in quarantine?' Hotch asked as he slipped on some shoes with one hand and held the phone with the other.

'I have no idea if this will spread. I'm the second doctor to take care of him. The first, Dr Jameson, is in quarantine with the others. Those treating Spencer are all wearing full protective gear to prevent infection. I'll answer all other questions when you get down here.'

Morgan rushed through the corridor. The hospital had closed off one area and he'd been directed to another entrance. As he came to the ward, he walked in and found the others had beaten him to the hospital. They were all staring through a large glass window. 'Where is he?'

Garcia wiped the tears from her cheeks. 'H-He's there,' she said. She was clearly upset.

Morgan looked through the glass and felt sick. 'Oh, Reid.'

Reid was laying the hospital bed, pale, sick and alone. He looked awful. His skin was almost as white as the sheets around him, a visible sheen of sweat covered his skin. His eyes looked dark as they stayed closed but his breathing seemed slow and shallow. An oxygen cannulae was under his nose and he had multiple IV's connected to him.

'What is happening to him?'

'I spoke with the doctor when I got here,' Hotch began to explain. 'They think it's a virus but they can't identify it. There is an injection site on his arm and they think someone infected him on purpose. They don't know how long he has left, at the rate the virus is working, he has less than a day.'

'We'll find the cure,' Morgan shook his head. 'We've done it before. We found Chad Brown when Reid got infected with anthrax.'

'I'm with Morgan,' JJ said. 'I'll rip Virginia apart to find the cure.'

'You all have to remember that it isn't just Reid,' Rossi sighed. 'If the others start showing symptoms, we have to find it for them too. Reid woke up twelve hours after he told the doctor when he thought the injection may have taken place but said he only had a sore throat and a little itch. This virus is dangerous and we have no idea if the unsub will infect other people.'

'Has anyone spoken to him? I mean, he's all alone,' Blake said. Hotch reached to a small intercom.

'We can talk to him through this but we can't go inside.'

'Turn it on,' JJ said, as she tried to stay calm. Hotch turned it on.

'Spencer,' Hotch spoke gently. 'Are you awake?'

'I'm awake,' he rasped. 'Light hurts my eyes...have to keep them...closed. bad if you're calling me, Spencer.'

'We're going to find the cure,' Hotch assured him. 'I'm going to make sure you're not alone though through all this. One of us will stay with you.'

Garcia stepped forward. 'Hey, sweetie. It's Garcia, we're all here.'

A ghost of a smile came to Reid's face. 'I know,' he sighed before letting out a harsh cough. Garcia let out a small sob and found comfort in Morgan's arms. She cried into his chest so Reid wouldn't hear her cry. JJ took her place.

'You'll be fine,' she said, keeping back the tears. 'You'll be up in no time, playing soccer with Henry and having him beat you.'

They didn't receive an answer.

'Why isn't he answering?' JJ said.

'He's asleep,' Hotch shook his head. 'The doctor said that his body is sleeping to escape the pain. The pain medication is also making him sleepy.'

'Pain medication?' JJ questioned.

'He's in a lot of pain,' Hotch answered. 'His heart can't take the stress of the pain. He needs his strength if he's to survive this.'

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I know the first chapter is not as long as my usual but I want to get an idea of how well received this will be. Longer chapters will follow.

When Jennifer Jareau put the photos of the crime scene on the beamer, no one really noticed that Reid was rapidly paling. JJ just continued the briefing. 'It's one of the better neighborhoods in Las Vegas. Almost every house has camera systems and security.'

Aaron Hotchner spoke, still looking at the pictures. 'Reid, can you tell us anything about it? You grew up in Vegas.'

Reid didn't speak. When Hotch turned to look at him, he was surprised at how pale Reid was. 'Reid? Are you alright?' he asked, worry creeping into his voice.

'Uh, Hotch.. if you want to stay close to the latest crime scene, I think I own the house next to it. And given that all the killings happened in the same neighborhood..'

The team was shocked. Hotch continued all business, though. 'Do you have enough bedrooms for all of us? And isn't the house occupied?'

Reid smiled a bitter smile, probably because his neighbor had just been murdered. 'Uh, I have six guestrooms, so that's a yes. And no, it's not occupied. I have a housekeeper, though.'

JJ spoke up. 'Uh, Spence, why do you have such a large house?'

Reid actually looked ashamed. 'Do you remember in Atlantic City, when I said I was banned from casino's in Vegas?'

Everyone nodded. 'Thanks again for winning me those thirty thousand dollars,' Rossi said. The team blinked. Reid hadn't said that he had won thirty thousand dollars.

Reid flashed him a quick grin. 'Well, I wasn't banned, exactly. I just made a.. deal, of sorts, with the casino's. I had made quite a lot of money by then through gambling. So I went into an agreement. I get paid for not coming.'

Morgan looked incredulous. 'You get paid for not coming to a casino?'

Reid nodded. 'Morgan, I won thirty thousand dollars in one partially played poker game in Atlantic City. Trust me when I said I won a lot.'

Morgan's mouth opened and closed. 'I didn't know that was possible.'

Reid grinned. 'It hadn't been done before, that's for sure. But all the casinos were pretty grateful for my offer.'

'Just how much do you get paid for not coming?' Rossi looked curious.

Reid's face turned dark for a fraction of a second. 'Enough,' he said. 'And in most casinos, I can still come, I just don't get to keep my winnings. I don't have contracts with all of them either. But I have contracts with enough to keep my comfortable.'

Everyone was shocked. This was definitely a new side of Reid.

'Anyway, Garcia, I'll send you the footage from my security system, although I don't think it will have showed something. Things are pretty secluded around there. By the way, are you coming with us? I don't think the Bureau will make trouble seeing as I won't charge you for staying at my house,' Reid said logically.

Garcia smiled. 'Vegas, I'm not missing that! Nor am I going to miss your house, junior G-man!' Then she turned to Hotch. 'I can go, can't I?' Only Garcia could whine and be threatening at the same time.

Hotch nearly smiled. 'Strauss is still gone, so I won't even have to clear it. JJ, can you do the paperwork concerning the hotel, I think it's already booked?'

JJ smiled. 'I'll arrange it on the plane.'

On the plane, things were a little bit tense. Morgan couldn't understand why Reid wasn't using his wealth for.. 'How about a new car, then?'

Reid sighed. 'Morgan, I'm not exactly trying to advertise my wealth. Nor do I own things I don't use.'


Everyone turned to Reid now. 'What other things do you own?'

Reid groaned.

'A few things I actually use, some stocks, and I managed to get myself registered as a private library, which allows me to request books from libraries all over the US. Oh, and I don't hire my apartment, I own it, as well as the apartment next to it. That one is where I keep my books, along with some other stuff.'

Morgan was just about to ask another question, but Hotch, seeing that Reid was getting annoyed, interrupted. 'Does anyone have any ideas about the case?'

They threw around ideas for a while. Victimology wasn't difficult – all victims were rich, either from old money or they were just successful. However the valuables were not taken. Garcia was going to check employee records from the security systems.

They decided that when the plane landed they would all go to the latest crime scene, where the lead detective would meet them. They would then dump their bags in Reid's house. While the rest of the team was at the crime scene, Garcia would look through Reid's security footage. Then they would go to the station, where Reid would work on the geographical profile (he had started working on it on the plane, but was distracted by Morgan asking him questions). Reid and JJ would also work on victimology.

When the other tasks were divided, everyone went to do their own thing.

Reid then left to call his housekeeper. 'Maya? Yes, it's me, can you please set up seven bedrooms including mine? Three male, three female. The plane is landing in three hours, so please hurry.' He gave a few other instructions and then hung up.

Three hours later Garcia had found out that every house had the same security system. Luckily Reid didn't have the same one. Reid hadn't been able to define a geographical profile. Sure, the killings were in the same neighborhood, but it was all over the place in that neighborhood. The four killings so far had been in the north, northeast, center and southwest of the neighborhood – while this meant that the same neighborhood would likely be attacked again, it didn't really narrow it down to a specific few streets or something like that.

When they arrived at the crime scene, Reid took Garcia to his own house. He led her straight to his office where he sat her on a chair, logged into the systems and told Garcia to go ahead and watch. Then he disappeared, presumably to go to the crime scene.

The lead detective was shocked that one of the team owned a house in this neighborhood, but was all professionalism. So was the team – they had barely glanced at Reid's house.

After a few hours on the crime scene, the team went to Reid's house.

The team only really saw it then, and it was huge.

Entering, Reid pushed a button on the wall – it appeared to be an intercom – and spoke in it. Only Hotch could overhear him. He said, 'Maya? Can you please bring Garcia here, she's in my office?' Receiving an affirmative, the team waited two minutes. A woman in her early fifties appeared, together with Garcia.

'Everyone, this is Maya Redwood. She takes care of my house when I'm not here and takes care of me when I am here,' he smiled. He then introduced the team to her. She left soon thereafter.

He then took them to the basement. 'Here's a pool and a fitness room. It's not much, but feel free to use it,' he said. The team was majorly impressed. It wasn't much when you compared it to the Bureau's facilities, but for a private setting it was absolutely huge.

They went to the ground floor. 'This is the dining room, it's set up as an conference room at the moment, should there be any urgent briefings.' The dining room could seat twenty people comfortably. There were also two empty evidence boards and a sink.

'Through that door, there's a kitchen, although it's also accessible from the hallway.' The kitchen had a table for eight, perhaps ten, people. 'Feel free to make your own food, it's stocked. The coffee machine is the best I could find.' Everyone either laughed or smiled. Reid and his coffee-drinking habits where legendary.

'I asked Maya to make sure there is breakfast after six every morning and a snack in the evenings. You can cook yourself or ask her to make something for you, as long as you remember she's not your servant.' A dark look crossed his face. 'I usually cook myself and she doesn't usually hang around when I'm here, but I asked her to stay a couple of days until the case is finished. She's available between six and ten, and for emergencies at other moments. She was a nurse once, so if there's anything wrong, ask her.'

The team nodded in understanding.

'Right. Uh, the sitting room is there,' Reid pointed in another direction. 'You can use anything or enter any room you want, by the way, unless I tell you not to.'

He opened the door to show them the room, but they didn't enter. None of them expected to use a lot of that room, seeing as they were on a case.

They passed a restroom and then came to Reid's office. 'My office,' Reid said. 'Knock before entering, please. Garcia's already been there to hack my security system. Did you find anything, by the way?'

Reid's office was large and Reid motioned for them to sit down. It just fit with, with the girls sitting on the couch, Rossi and Morgan sitting in chairs and Reid and Hotch respectively sitting on and leaning against the desk.

Garcia told them what she had found. 'Someone between five foot eight to six foot. He half-carried half-dragged the body out of the house. I don't know whether or not it was intentional that he wasn't seen on the camera.'

Hotch took over and asked a few more questions, but didn't get any more information. They continued the tour.

In the back of Reid's office there was another door. 'That's to the library,' Reid said. He opened the door with a proud grin. The room was huge. It was divided in five sections and had a lot of windows. 'To the left are my own books, to the right are borrowed books. You can use the table in the middle as workspace and feel free to use the computers. In the back of the book sections there is leisure reading, in front there are study books. If you don't know where to put something, ask Maya or leave it on the table. Don't put books back in the wrong place.' He then explained how the books were sorted.

'Oh, that reminds me,' Reid said. 'All rooms have intercom and every room on the ground floor and in the basement, except the restroom and my office, have camera surveillance.' He then explained the intercom. It was very simple. There was a button to call Maya if she was in the house and a button to have a message sound through the whole house. Reid told them to use it as they saw fit, as it was easier than calling or shouting. Reid then demonstrated the system by asking Maya which bedrooms she had made ready.

They went upstairs. Immediately to the left, there were four doors. One, Reid explained, was where Maya stayed when she was in the house, one was 'currently not in use' and one was for Reid. The third door was for a luxurious bathroom, where, as Reid explained, was a Jacuzzi as well as a normal shower and such things. There was also a small sink in the hallway with a coffee machine. He then took them to the guestrooms which were in the hallway at their right hand. There also was another stairway to another floor.

There were eight doors. 'Ladies are at the left, men at the right side.' He then opened the first door at their right. 'Hotch, you can have this one.' The room was as comfortable as any hotel room. There were three doors at the other side of the room, a double bed, a couch, a TV and a sink. Reid took them to the three doors at the other side of the room. He pointed to the first one, saying, 'Closet,' then opened the second one, saying 'Study.' The study had a couch, three chairs, a desk, some bookcases, a telephone and a computer. The third door held a simple bathroom.

Reid then explained, 'The first room at the left is also like this. However the other rooms have all a shared bathroom and study. They also have a door leading from the study to the hallway – that's the third door on both sides. They also have two single beds instead of one double bed. Take care with the locks, if you value your privacy you should lock the study and bathroom from inside the bedroom.' Everyone understood this.

'Basic first aid stuff is in all the bathrooms, more advanced stuff is above the sink in the hallway. However you can only get medicines, including painkillers, from Maya. She's not fussy and isn't difficult, I just feel better that way. Same goes for alcohol.' Rossi gave Reid a weird look, but didn't say anything. Of course, he hadn't been on the team for the Hankel case.

Hotch raised his eyebrows. Reid was really strict with himself about anything that could be used for substance abuse. But Reid didn't even have access to medicines and alcohol himself? That seemed over the top. Hotch decided he would speak to Reid about it.

Reid nodded at the other team members. 'You can figure out your rooms for yourself.' The tour had taken a good half an hour. 'What is next?' Reid looked towards Hotch.

Hotch blinked. 'Let's go to the police station.'

They went to the police station to discuss things with the lead detective.

After a few days of getting up early and going to bed late, the case was solved. The team was exhausted and they just all fell down on chairs and couches in the sitting room. True to what they had expected, they hadn't used it at all.

The case had been quite horrific, with the unsub stabbing the hostage before the eyes of the BAU near the very end. The unsub was dead, but the hostage was in critical condition. If she survived, she would never walk again. She was only fourteen years old.

Garcia and Maya, who had become good friends, had arranged a movie night. Maya had made popcorn and Garcia had picked out a movie. It was a cartoon and they all laughed a lot.

'Hotch,' Reid said, 'Can I stay here for a couple of days? Now that I'm here, I'd like to visit my mother. It's Friday, can I at least have the weekend?'

Hotch nodded. 'Of course you can,' he replied.

Reid smiled, a true, but tired smile. 'That's good. Are any of you also staying? I don't mind, and I can pay the plane tickets for the flight back.'

Hotch smiled. 'I should get back to Jack,' he said.

'You can bring him here,' Reid supplied. 'Has he ever been to Vegas? How about Henry and Will? Maya, are you staying?'

When Rossi, Garcia, Morgan and Prentiss all agreed to stay with Reid for a few days, JJ and Hotch really didn't want to refuse.

Maya, who had joined in for movie night, spoke up. 'No, I'll let you have your team building exercise,' she grinned. 'Are you planning to move Agents Hotchner and Jareau upstairs?' Everyone looked confused.

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Injured

'Depends on what they want,' Reid replied. Turning to the team, he said, 'I have another floor with a couple of bedrooms, you can either move up there or we can place another bed in your rooms. Smart choice to let JJ have the double bed,' he nodded to the girls. 'So, what will it be?'

Hotch and JJ both decided they rather stayed all on one floor. Hotch, JJ and Reid huddled together in a corner of the room to make arrangements.

'Do you want to bring Beth, or Jessica?' Reid asked Hotch. 'I have enough room. If you don't want to, perhaps Will can fly with both Henry and Jack?'

Hotch decided to invite Jessica, but not Beth. This really was a team holiday, sort of, and while it would polite to include Jessica because Jack was staying with her, he had no such reasons for including Beth. With Will, it was different: he was an extension of the team. They had worked with him and he and JJ had been together for a long time.

'Garcia?' Reid called. When she looked up, she saw Reid grin. 'Is Kevin up for Vegas?'

Garcia's cheer was all the confirmation needed.

As it turned out, Jessica wasn't coming, so Will and Kevin flew with Jack and Henry.

Maya left that evening for her own house. Before she left, Reid invited both her and Hotch into his office.

Once they were seated and had a cup of tea, Reid spoke up. 'Hotch, would you be comfortable holding the medicines hostage? And Maya, would you be comfortable letting him?' Some of Reid's insecurities shone through.

Maya spoke first. 'Spencer, you know my opinion. I think you can take care of the medicine cabinet yourself. But if you would prefer Agent Hotchner to have the key, then, sure.'

Hotch answered in the same vein. 'Of course, if you want me to.'

Reid nodded, glad that was out of the way. Maya, seeing Hotch had questions, took her leave by telling Reid she was going to get her bag and the keys.

Hotch was quiet for a minute before he spoke. 'Are you still struggling, or are you afraid?'

Reid hesitated. 'It's mostly that I'm afraid. It's just a comforting thought that someone pays attention to what I take.' Hotch could understand that.

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Childhood

That evening, when everybody had gone to bed, Reid was still in the sitting room. He was craving. Cases like this often gave him cravings. He had already called John, his sponsor. John told him he was proud of him for calling. He also advised Spencer to go and do something physical. It would distract him and the endorphins would help.

So that's how Reid ended up in the basement, where he swam and trained his muscles. It was one thirty before anyone joined him.

'You alright?' Rossi asked.

Reid gave a half-shrug. 'I've been better, but I'm coping.'

Rossi gave a tiny smile. 'Never figured you for an ex-junkie.'

Reid visibly flinched. 'I never expected myself to become one, either. Then again, I was always very focused on not taking anything. Since I never imagined taking anything in the first place, I didn't know how to deal with it once I was addicted and I just kept taking. How did you find out?'

Rossi smiled. 'You scratch your arms when cases are difficult, and you generally refuse to take medicines. Today I found out that you don't only refuse to take them, you also refuse to have access to them. And you never drink alcohol. What did you take?'

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Casinos Reopening

Reid smiled and sat down, then stood to fetch two water bottles. He threw one to Rossi. 'I thought there were rules against inter-team profiling,' Reid said dryly. 'Hydromorphine, also known as dilaudid.'

'There are also rules against using,' Rossi replied.

Criminal minds fanfiction reid casino royale

Reid glared at him. 'I'm clean. Besides, they can't prove anything.'

Rossi looked confused. 'Don't you have track marks?'

Reid hesitated. 'Yes, but it's complicated.'

Rossi leaned back in his chair. 'Tell me.'

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Childhood

Reid gathered his thoughts. 'Have you ever heard of the Hankel case in Georgia? Rumor has it that a Federal Agent was kidnapped and held hostage for a few days, and that video's of his torture were found after they had rescued him.'

Rossi nodded. 'I've heard of that, yes.'

Reid gave a bitter smile. 'Bet they didn't tell you that I was that agent, or that the feed was live, or that one of the unsub's personalities – he had DID – had to give me CPR after one of the others killed me.' It was turning into a slightly hysterical Reid-ramble. 'Nor that that same personality kept shooting me up with dilaudid in an attempt to help. Nor that I was digging my own grave before I shot him, and that Tobias – the personality that wanted to help me – actually thanked me for killing the other personalities. Of course, barely half a minute after that, the cavalry arrived.' Reid's hysterical rambling was interrupted by a sob. But he went on. 'Sometimes it's funny, you know. Anderson was telling me about that case once. Anderson doesn't like me, I think he's jealous. But he was saying it in such a way as though he was really saying 'THAT's a REAL FBI-agent, unlike you.' Reid gave another half-sob. 'I failed my gun qualification once. A week later, I shot someone right between the eyes, with an unfamiliar weapon, while lying on the ground. Hotch, I and eight hostages were in one room with a L.S.D.K. Wasn't fun.'

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Secret

Rossi had to admit it, he was impressed.